The Specific Carbohydrate Diet

Frequently Asked Questions

Opiate Derivatives

Elaine writes:
You ask about taking opiate derivatives for pain and finding that your symptoms stop temporarily. Yes, yes, yes. The narcotics have been known for many many years to do this. That is why paregoric, a camphorated opium derivative, was used for years to treat colic in babies. It was used (and probably still is) to treat spasms and what we are enduring in our IBD conditions are actually spasms (hypermotility of the gut). I have told doctor upon doctor about the fact that Dr. Haas used miniscule amounts of atropine which did the same thing. I, of course, cannot do this and that is why I introduced the "introductory diet" to try and compensate for my inability to prescribe drugs.

However, one after another of the medical doctors I have given detailed information to have done nothing about it. I guess they don't know where to get it. The homeopathic training OF TODAY is different than it was in the day of Heinemann and the new breed says that atropine will bring about an exacerbation of symptoms. I know they are wrong. If the opium derivative works like atropine, it works on the basis of stopping the action of acetylcholine on the muscle fiber receptors. Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter substance produced by the nerve endings of nerves in the gut wall. I hope I have cast some light on this for you. Of course, its temporary relief in stopping the symptoms of IBD is riddled with fears of addiction, etc.

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"We must never forget that what the patient takes beyond his ability to digest does harm."
    Dr. Samuel Gee

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