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Elaine writes:
Last week when someone announced that the gene had been found for lactose intolerance, I deliberately and narrowmindedly avoided the article about it; surely enough has been said about species appropriate foods and enough has been written about the greater number of adults and even growing children being lactose intolerant.
However, XXXX's website re cheese fascinated me and I went to this site. First of all, XXXX, Danfo was only one of hundreds of cheeses listed from all over the world and it would not be sensible at this point to list ALL the international cheeses, especially when I have not yet found on that website (altho I will continue looking) as to whether or not all the cheeses listed are aged and cultured or otherwise.
I finally clicked on the site where the recent gene "discovery" was reported. Firstly, the researcher discovered a mutation which does not cause lactose intolerance but causes the tolerance for lactose In other words, to tolerate lactose is the mutation. She also mentioned that she found the gene far away - I assume on another chromosome away from the gene that controls the cellular information for making the lactase enzyme. She rightfully thought that it was interesting to find the lactase gene (the one that makes it possible to digest lactose) faaaar away from the mutated gene which keeps the lactase enzyme ON when most people have it turned off. But I thought the article was sorta dumb in other ways. Here was a geneticist talking about the world not being able to eat dairy because of the lactose (and she included cheese) when, in fact, butter and most respectable cheeses (not the processed) DO NOT CONTAIN LACTOSE.
Integrate, integrate, and the researchers are not integrating. The press picks up misinformation and spouts it to the public and we have naturopaths and doctors telling people to get off ALL DAIRY.
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