The Specific Carbohydrate Diet

Frequently Asked Questions

Labeling in Canada

Ellie writes:
Instead of guessing about the labeling in Canada, it might be best to know for sure. For those interested, go to this link: -

This will bring you to the right Health Canada page, scroll down and click on Number 2, Part B, Foods, and click on download file. This is a PDF file so you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader to read it. It is 124 pages long. I put "label" in the find function and it came up with a lot of references to labeling, but the ones relating to food ingredients start on Pg 3 Section B.01.007. Page 10 has tables specifically related to sugars. It has a lot of legalese but it is very clear that sugars and any sugar type substances have to be on the label. I know not all companies are up front and honest and we do have to use our common sense, but the companies in Canada do not have the 2% rule to hide behind that the US has.

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"We must never forget that what the patient takes beyond his ability to digest does harm."
    Dr. Samuel Gee

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