Aloe products
do not recommend aloe products to be taken internally because the
active ingredient is an anthroquinone which is known as a powerful
cathartic. Some companies claim they remove the anthroquinone but
who knows! In Dr. Haas's 1951 textbook on celiac disease,
The Management
of Celiac Disease he writes in his chapter, "An Etiologic Hypothesis,"
"Given a hypothesis that the diarrhea of celiac disease is caused by
an antrhoquinone irritant produced by a microorganism from a polysaccharide
substrate, the following facts make the theory plausible" He then lists
a lot of
biochemistry but the last item in his list is
"The action of the antrhoquinone cathartics (the emodine purgatives) is
similar to the diarrhea observed in celiac disease, and the action of large
of phenolphthalein results in repeated evacuations for from 3 - 4 days with
urine excretion thoughout the period, although only one dose be given."
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